Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

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Why China Relishes the Idea of a Digital Currency

One very important aspect and a key reason for this idea is the control USD has over the world economy. It would make sense to

The Agricultural Value Chain, Challenges and Digital Opportunities in Nigeria

The agricultural value chain in Nigeria even though highly underdeveloped is estimated to be worth $85 billion. Africa holds 60% of uncultivated arable land in

Belief Box

Outside the box of usual criticisms, terrible ways of pointing out only the wrongs we’ve done, goals we’ve failed to achieve, and times we are

Jump starting a market place — “The Chicken and Egg Problem”

Several schools of thought have their own definition or view of the “chicken and egg problem”. Some school of thought believes that the easiest way

Twelve Pillars of Africa’s Future Success

Sub-Sahara Africa is experiencing strong and sustainable economic growth, favorable demographics, rapid urbanization, increased foreign direct investment, and an expanding urban middle class with a

Callback & Promises: A basic Introduction

Understanding the concepts of Callbacks and Promises can be rather confusing sometimes, especially when you are hardly a hardcore Javascript developer or new to it.

Perception of Innovation, and what it should be for budding Entrepreneurs in Africa

Many a time I have observed that when people talk about innovation in this parts, often times they think about the technical aspects of it,

Blockchain and it’s Potential in Africa

There are plenty of problems that need solving in Africa. These problems potentially can also be solved with a few key principles that are inherent

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